Monday, 4 January 2016

Winter 2016 Classes

Invention Squad is coming to Bathurst Quay! Our first session of 2016 will be at the Harbourfront Community Centre (HCC). The classes are at 4-5:30pm on Wednesdays (from Jan 13th to Mar 2nd ). You can register for our FREE design classes at HCC starting today!

Here's what we will get up to at our workshops:

Week 1: Invent a new toy for toddlers
Week 2: Plan an indoor playground inside the Canada Malting Silo
Week 3: Create a secret zip line drop for spies
Week 4: Design a smart lunchbox for an outdoor picnic                          
Week 5: Make a new carnival game for the Ex.                                    
Week 6: Fashion an outfit for a rock-star superhero
Week 7: Create a fantastic light installation
Week 8: Invent a new island ferry                                                                                                                                                  

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